

User Agent,简称 UA,通过HPPT头连同访问请求传递给服务器,使得服务器能够识别客户使用的操作系统及版本、CPU 类型、浏览器及版本、浏览器渲染引擎、浏览器语言、浏览器插件等,并依此为依据返回针对相应设备适配的网页和数据。





/* Get comment_agent */
function get_comment_agent( $comment_ID = 0 ) {
    $comment = get_comment( $comment_ID );

     * Filters the comment author's returned User Agent.
     * Added by Mashiro
     * Based on get_comment_author_IP function. 
     * @param string     $comment_author_IP The comment author's IP address.
     * @param int        $comment_ID        The comment ID.
     * @param WP_Comment $comment           The comment object.
    return apply_filters( 'get_comment_agent', $comment->comment_agent, $comment->comment_ID, $comment );

接下来我们需要一个转换函数把上面调取出来的UA字段转换为显示在用户屏幕上的内容。我的想法是使用icon font来显示,那么直接把UA输出到HTML标签上就好啦。

可是User Agent是一段类似”Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36“这样的文字,需要用正则表达拆分,然后用UA数据库匹配,实在太麻烦,我懒得做,不过幸好找到一个转换UA的API,那么直接调用就行了(这个数据库服务器好像有点不稳,偶尔会掉线,不妨在API请求部分添加一个超时的条件)。


/* Convert UA to HTML */
function convertua($ua) {
    // URLencode

    // API Request 
    //ini_set("display_errors", "Off");
    $request = "http://www.useragentstring.com/?uas=" . $url_parm . "&getJSON=all";
    $getua = json_decode(file_get_contents($request));
    $AgentName = $getua->agent_name; //Chrome / Android Webkit Browser / Safari / Firefox / BlackBerry / Internet Explorer / Edge
    $OsType = $getua->os_type; //Windows / Android / Linux / Macintosh / BlackBerryOS 
    $OsName = $getua->os_name; //Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 7 / Windows XP /  / Android / Linux / OS X / iPhone OS / BlackBerryOS / FreeBSD
    $LinuxDistibution = $getua->linux_distibution; //Ubuntu / CentOS / Fedora / Debian / Red Hat

    // Browser name
    if (($AgentName == "Chrome") || ($AgentName == "Android Webkit Browser") || ($AgentName == "Safari") || ($AgentName == "Firefox") || ($AgentName == "BlackBerry") || ($AgentName == "Internet Explorer") || ($AgentName == "Edge")) {
        if (($AgentName == "Android Webkit Browser") || ($AgentName == "Internet Explorer")) {
            $print_browser = str_replace( " ", "-",$AgentName);
        } else {
            $print_browser = $AgentName;
    else {
        $print_browser = "unkwon-browser";

    // System name
    if (($LinuxDistibution == "Ubuntu") || ($LinuxDistibution == "CentOS") || ($LinuxDistibution == "Fedora") || ($LinuxDistibution == "Debian") || ($LinuxDistibution == "Red Hat")) {
        if ($LinuxDistibution == "Red Hat") {
            $print_system = str_replace( " ", "-",$LinuxDistibution);
        } else {
            $print_system = $LinuxDistibution; // Linux Distributions
    } elseif (($OsName == "Windows 10") || ($OsName == " Windows 8") || ($OsName == "Windows 7") || ($OsName == "Windows XP") || ($OsName == "Android") || ($OsName == "Linux") || ($OsName == "OS X") || ($OsName == "iPhone OS") || ($OsName == "BlackBerryOS") || ($OsName == "FreeBSD")) {
        if (($OsName == "Windows 10") || ($OsName == " Windows 8") || ($OsName == "Windows 8.1") || ($OsName == "Windows 7") || ($OsName == "Windows XP") || ($OsName == "OS X") || ($OsName == "iPhone OS")) {
            $print_system = str_replace( " ", "-",$OsName);
        } elseif ($OsName == "Windows 8.1") {
            $print_system = "Windows-9";
        } else {
            $print_system = $OsName; // OS name like Windows 10, iPhone
    } elseif (($OsType == "Windows") || ($OsType == "Android") || ($OsType == "Linux") || ($OsType == "Macintosh") || ($OsType == "BlackBerryOS")) {
        $print_system = $OsType; // No specified OS info
    } else { 
        $print_system = "unkwon-system";

    return "<svg class=\"icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#system-icon-" . $print_system . "\"></use></svg>  <svg class=\"icon\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#system-icon-" . $print_browser . "\"></use></svg>";
    //return "<i class=\"system-icon system-icon-" . $print_system . "\"></i><i class=\"system-icon system-icon-" . $print_browser . "\"></i>"; 
    //return $print_system . $print_browser;
    //return $ua;

然后呢,在function.php中找到类似<?php comment_author_link() ?>的一段代码,这附近就是评论框了,主题不同内容也略有不同,在合适的位置加上一句<?php echo convertua(get_comment_agent());?>即可调用转换后的内容,直接以<i class="system-icon system-icon-xxx"></i>的形式输出在HTML中。然后你就可以导入自己的icon font来渲染啦。你可以直接用我搭配好的,HTML中引入:

<script src="//at.alicdn.com/t/font_451652_ou22nnu21ugqr529.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.icon {
   width: 1em; height: 1em;
   vertical-align: -0.15em;
   fill: currentColor;
   overflow: hidden;

Icon font可以在阿里巴巴矢量图标库中自由配置(需要按照上面转换代码中的注释重命class名,注意我把所有空格转换成了-),最后直接引入相应的CSS或者JS即可,如果网页中已经引入了Font Awesome,那么你可以修改上面的函数以使用fa fa icon



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